Ketamine for Chronic Pain in Green Bay

A New & Innovative Treatment for Chronic Pain

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Ketamine for Chronic Pain Treatment

A breakthrough treatment for both mood disorders and chronic pain conditions.

At avIVa Infusions, we are proud to offer the latest in mental health treatment options.

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In addition to high levels of safety standards and patient care, avIVa Infusions utilizes ketamine infusion therapy for the treatment of chronic pain syndrome, as well as other pain conditions like fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome, migraines, neuropathy, central sensitization, nerve damage and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS).

Our mission statement at avIVa Infusions is to provide personalized, high-quality management options for people struggling with treatment-resistant conditions. Ketamine infusions have proven to be a powerful and rapid treatment for chronic pain and other mental health conditions.

Treatment Details

Consultation Required?



24-48 Hours

Sessions Needed: 

4 Loading doses & Boosters as needed

Results Duration:


What it Treats


Unexplainable, prolonged pain


Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

Restless Leg Syndrome

Ketamine therapy for chronic pain in Green Bay


Effective Against Depression

In addition to treating chronic pain as a whole, ketamine therapy also treats the symptoms of depression, which often comes from various conditions related to chronic pain. Studies show that up to 75% of patients report a positive response after even a single dose of ketamine infusion.

Fast Relief

It’s not uncommon for some chronic pain treatments to take time to set in, and it can often take weeks or months before any relief is felt. Ketamine, on the other hand, is a promising new treatment option, because in some cases it can provide symptom relief in days (or even hours).

Minimal Side Effects

Compared to traditional methods of treating chronic pain, ketamine infusions come with minimal side effects, if any. Your avIVa provider will review all potential physical and/or mental effects of ketamine infusions to ensure you are fully educated before treatment begins.

Specific Chronic Pain Conditions


Fibromyalgia is a type of widespread pain often resulting from physical trauma or injury. Ketamine infusions have proven to be effective treatment options for many patients this kind of pain disorder.

Migraine Headaches

A migraine is a neurological condition that takes the shape of a severe headache, and is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and light and sound sensitivity.

Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic pain (NP) presents itself when your nervous system is damaged or isn’t working properly. Many conditions are believed to bring NP about, but there is not yet an obvious cause. At avIVa infusions, we fight neuropathic pain with low-dose ketamine IV infusions.


Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) can be a serious, debilitating health condition that greatly reduces your quality of life. Although CRPS has historically been treatment-resistant, ketamine infusions have brought relief to many who previously found none.

Lifestyle Changes & Ketamine Therapy

The Path to Healing from Depression

There are certain lifestyle changes that can be made that are very useful when combined with a treatment like ketamine infusion. 

Be Honest With Providers

At avIVa Infusions, you will have a free consultation with an experienced physician who will tailor a treatment plan to meet your needs. Once you are cleared for ketamine therapy to treat your chronic pain, we will schedule your treatments and let you know everything about how to prepare and what to expect during and after.

Stay Consistent

An essential part of the healing process is to develop a healthcare plan and stick to it. Do not skip ketamine infusion or neglect to take your prescribed medications. These treatments may take months at a time, and they may not alleviate all of your symptoms, but recovery takes time. Have patience and trust your healthcare providers.

Take Care of Yourself

It’s important to keep in mind that while alcohol and/or drugs may help reduce the pain of depression symptoms temporarily, they will only create more problems and worsen your symptoms in the long run. It also carries the risk of making your illness harder to treat.

Eat Well

Beyond this, try to make sure you’re eating healthy whenever possible, as well as making physical activity a priority. It can come in the form of walking, jogging, swimming, working in the garden, or cycling. Also, try your best to keep a consistent sleep schedule. These activities combined can help you feel some relief from your symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does ketamine help with chronic pain?

It is believed that the main cause of chronic pain is due to an overactivity of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor in the brain. Ketamine helps the condition by attaching to the NMDA receptor and blocking it from being activated by glutamate, a neurotransmitter, thereby helping to mute the effects of chronic pain symptoms. By connecting to those receptors, ketamine may be able to amplify the number of glutamate neurotransmitters in the empty space between neurons.

Glutamate then interacts with the AMPA receptors. Together, these receptors bring about the discharge of multiple molecules that boost the brain’s neuroplasticity — essentially, ketamine infusions allow the brain to reset and restore important nerve connections.

If you are looking for a new chronic pain treatment in Green Bay, WI schedule a free consultation with us at avIVa Infusions today!

What is chronic pain syndrome?

Pain is a normal part of the healing process, and often serves as a way to keep us from potentially harming ourselves further. Unexplained or prolonged pain, on the other hand, is classified as Chronic Pain Syndrome (CPS). Where normal, healthy amounts of pain–like a scraped knee after falling from a bike–will eventually subside with time, the effects of chronic pain rarely (if ever) go away on their own.

Chronic pain is a serious, (potentially debilitating) health condition. It can also create new problems if left untreated, like depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. Per the Mayo Clinic, “Chronic pain can limit your quality of life and lead to additional, serious mental health problems. Finding effective treatment is important–as is balancing pain relief with your safety.”

While it can be difficult to treat, it’s not impossible. Continue reading to learn more about CPS and ways to treat it. Understanding is the first step to healing.

What are the symptoms of chronic pain syndrome?

CPS affects you both physically and mentally. Some symptoms include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Muscle strains
  • Unexplainable, prolonged episodes of pain in different areas of the body
  • Irritability

What exactly causes CPS is unknown, but some believe that it stems from an initial injury or pre-existing condition, like:

  • Arthritis and other joint problems
  • Back pain
  • Headaches
  • Muscle strains and sprains
  • Repetitive stress injuries, when the same movement over and over puts strain on a body part
  • Fibromyalgia, a condition that causes muscle pain throughout the body
  • Nerve damage
  • Lyme disease
  • Broken bones
  • Cancer
  • Acid reflux or ulcers
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Endometriosis, when tissue in the uterus grows outside of it
  • Surgery
Is ketamine therapy painful?

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