Vitamin C in Green Bay

Vitamin C IV Therapy

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Welcome to avIVa Infusions

Strengthen Your Immunity

Let’s be honest: life throws a lot at us. Work, stress, the common cold. Every now and then, we reach a point where our energy levels drop. This plummet can take a toll on your immune system, making it vulnerable to illness. During those trying times, eating healthy, exercising, and washing your hands aren’t always enough to keep healthy.

That’s where vitamin C comes in! Vitamin C plays a role in bodily tissue repair, immune system function, wound healing, collagen production, and so much more. An IV therapy appointment at avIVa Infusions may be the boost your body needs for ultimate functioning! When you visit our office for vitamin C in Green Bay, we’ll match you with the best IV based on your goals.

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Treatment Details

Consultation Required?




Sessions Needed: 


Results Duration:


What it Treats

Energy levels


Collagen production

Immune system strength

Cold and flu symptoms

Chemotherapy side effects




Allergy symptoms

Why Try Vitamin C in Green Bay?


Multiple Benefits

Vitamin C provides healing and relief for multiple different concerns and symptoms!

Immediate Relief

You will feel a boost immediately after your session, with positive results continuing to progress.

Optimal Hydration

Vitamin C has increases water absorption and retention, improving overall health and well-being.

What to Expect

The Vitamin Injection Process



Before beginning your IV therapy with vitamin C in Green Bay, you will meet with one of our expert providers for a one-on-one consultation. We will get to know you by discussing your concerns and goals for vitamin C therapy and answering any questions you may have. To ensure you have a vitamin C deficiency, we will conduct lab work.


Vitamin C Therapy Session

When you arrive for your appointment, we will make sure you are comfortable and clean the area where we insert the IV. You are welcome to relax, watch TV, or listen to music while receiving your vitamin C therapy. Your session will last approximately 1 hour.


Next Steps

Most patients report feeling an improvement both mentally and physically immediately after treatment, but your results will also be progressive! We will schedule any follow-up sessions needed as detailed in your custom treatment plan, and then you’ll be able to carry on with your day.

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between taking vitamin C orally vs. intravenously?
Can vitamin C be combined with other IV supplements?
How long does a vitamin C therapy session take?

A vitamin C therapy session can take up to 1 hour.

Get Started

Tell us more about you and your needs using our Virtual Consultation Tool.

Input your concerns, and we’ll provide custom treatment recommendations for your unique needs.

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virtual consultation phone mockup - Dealing with internal scar tissue pain at Aviva in Green Bay